Monday, July 11, 2016

I Am A (Bad) Homeowner

The tomatoes survived and
are about to pop!
I've come to the conclusion that I would make a terrible homeowner if I did not have the help of my lovely homeowner partner, Kevin. During our first year in Lansing, he was gone a lot. Yet, because the house was a rental, I never felt overwhelmed by the entire responsibility of making sure everything was "okay". Now, however, two years later and a homeowner, when Kevin does leave, things kind of fall apart. It takes all of my consciousness and energy to remember to water the plants. I have to leave post-it notes around the house. It takes all of my being to pick up things around the yard, like when a giant storm comes swooping in and tree limbs are hanging off our tree, or in our front yard. It takes a great amount of energy to mow the lawn. I convince myself I like weeds and, oh, aren't the dandelions so pretty? Not to mention things like, a leaking pipe. Uh, duct tape? If a light goes out, I just decide not to use it until I buy a new bulb and then take a few weeks to change it out. Thankfully, Kevin is back. Unfortunately, I'm headed out of town again for four days. But that means that someone who knows how to water plants and compost will be here to take care of everything.

1 comment:

  1. I'm no longer a home owner, but being a renter has its own challenges. I finally got a little garden plot (about the size of the top of our dining room counter) and lovingly planted a zucchini and some strawberry plants. Somebody keeps watering my garden without authorization and a few days ago I noticed that my carefully nurtured zucchini plant has disappeared! I may need to put up a surveillance camera to catch the culprit.
