Thursday, February 19, 2015


I'm thinking birthday gifts for my SILs this year
I need to give a shout-out to my sisters-in-law. Although we all live in different areas of the U.S., it has been invaluable to me to know they are supporting me and cheering me on. And in addition, we often have joyous texts and emails back and forth, which I find I am laughing so hard I have to keep from peeing my pants. I never had a sister growing up, and so I obviously never knew what it was like. When I was a kid, two of my closest friends had older sisters. I remember seeing their bond, and also seeing them fight like crazy. Admittedly, I was envious.

Today, though, what can I say? I lucked out. I married a great guy who happened to have the most amazing sister, and his brother was married to another fabulous lady. This means I got TWO sisters at once when I was married. It was kind of awesome. The three of us are not often in the same place at the same time, because we are scattered between Boston, Lansing, and Seattle. But when we do know in advance that we will be together, we always plan a SILO (Sister-In-Law Only) time. It is one of my most favorite things.


  1. Here's a comment from my Boston SIL: "Thank you for the shout-out! I've been following your blog, but refraining from commenting (for reasons I am not quite sure of). But this one demands a comment as your SIL! I second all your sentiments! All three of us, in fact, grew up without sisters so we share a singular appreciation of gaining sisters in adulthood. We get along so well and have so much fun and are so supportive of one another! I doubt many REAL sisters share so much, or are as grateful as we are. Here here to SILs!"

  2. Awww - Emiko! I am just reading this now and am blushing! I feel incredibly lucky to have both of you in my life, as well. Three cheers for the three of us!
