Sunday, February 8, 2015

Batman's House

Outside the Broad Museum
I finally made it to the Broad Museum on campus. (And that would be Broad, rhymes with road). I remember seeing it when I first moved here back in August, and loved it from first sight. The architecture of the museum is really modern and a stark contrast to many of the older buildings on the north side of campus. This is one of the things I love about mixing architectural designs, particularly very modern designs within older communities. I know not everyone appreciates or likes this, but I do. Last October, the new Batman Vs. Superman movie was filming on campus, and I didn't understand why (I mean, really, Lansing?!?) until someone said that the Broad Museum was the location. Ah, yes, that totally makes sense because Batman could very well live at the Broad.

So finally, I went to visit, and the interior is also extremely well thought out with large open bright spaces and balcony views into the main gallery. There were several exhibits on display, two of which I spent the most time with. One was for urban landscaping and reimagining East Lansing and the MSU campus, and another for Chinese Modern Art. Before this visit, I hadn't been inside a museum of this type in a very long time. It was a reminder for me of how much I love them, having the quiet space to walk, look, and take in all of the artwork. There is something very meditative about walking through a gallery space for me. Also, the creativity and artistry is extremely inspiring, and helps get my brain to connect to that since I spend so much time thinking and over-thinking things. I would gamble that tethering my academic life to these types of creative experiences will become increasingly important, and I hope to do more of this. Especially since the Broad doesn't cost anything to visit - all the more reason to find a bench and sit and take in the atmosphere.

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