Thursday, September 15, 2016

Skunk Family

We have a skunk family. In late July, Kevin went out to discard the compost into the bin, it was dark, and he came back in and said he startled a skunk and a raccoon in the back yard. For a few evenings after that, we saw both the skunk and raccoon, but over a period of time we only really saw the skunk. And I admit, I love skunks. I think they're quite attractive little animals (except for their beady little eyes I am reminded). The other amazing thing is that we had two ground hornet nests along the house, and one day we came out and it was all dug up. The hornet nest scattered all over and a big hole left. Then two days later, the other nest dug up. With some research, we learned that skunks will go after hornet nests. Good news for us!

Then a few nights ago, as I walked out to the deck to join Kevin for an evening chat around 9pm, our little skunk came strolling along the back fence and proceeded to chow down on the bird seeds that drop from the feeder. Kevin and I squealed, and admired the little skunk. And I grabbed my phone and took pictures. Then, about 7 minutes later, another skunk came up from the same side, then another, then another. And soon, there were four skunks in our backyard, obviously youngish ones because they proceeded to pounce on one another and make a funny little squeaking sound. And they didn't stink at all. It was weird and wonderful. But now, I admit, that two nights in a row they have been unseen but OH MAN can we smell them from our bedroom window. I've come to like these little skunks. And I've leanred they give you fair warning if they are about to spray (they stomp their little feet and flare their tail - not that we have been sprayed, but we've done our internet research). For now, I peek out the back door to the deck each night now, looking for our little skunk family, but we haven't seen them all together again. Except when I get that whiff around midnight.

It's kind of hard to see all four skunks on the right, but you can kind of make out their shapes

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